How to Set Up Parental Controls on Reddit

How to Set Up Parental Controls on Reddit

Learn what young kids can find on Reddit as well as how to set up Reddit parental controls by reading on.

How to Set Up Parental Controls on Reddit

If youre not familiar with all the newest social media networks, keeping your child safe online can seem like a minefield. We are creating a collection of educational articles about Reddit because of this.

Learn what young kids can find on Reddit as well as how to set up Reddit parental controls by reading on.

Describe Reddit.

People can share and produce content on Reddit, a well-known social site, regarding whatever theyre interested in. Every topic has its own subreddit, where users can "upvote" or "downvote" posts on it based on how much they agree with them. A post that receives upvotes rises in the Reddit rankings and is seen to more users. if it is given

Reddit is it safe?

Many young people find Reddit to be a rewarding experience. They can talk about their hobbies and passions with groups of teens who share their interests. Additionally, there are places to get help and guidance in subreddits like r/lgbtqteens for young members of the LGBTQ+ community or r/Anxiety for people with emotional issues.

The following  9 actions can be taken to assist safeguard your youngster on Reddit: 

  1. Visit and have your child sign into their account.
  2. At the top of the screen, in the right corner, click on your childs username.
  3. User Settings should be selected from the dropdown menu.
  4. Profile can be accessed by clicking. Then, in the Advanced area, scroll down and turn off the toggles next to Content visibility and Active in communities visibility. At the bottom of the screen, select "Save." Your child will remain more anonymous on the platform thanks to this.
  5. Privacy & Security can be accessed by scrolling back up and selecting it.
  6. Disable the toggle next to "Search engine indexing" in the upper-right corner of the page under "User Privacy." This prevents the profile of your child from appearing in search results.
  7. In the Messaging Privacy area, scroll down. Change "Everyone" to "Whitelisted" in the dropdown menu next to "Who can message you."
  8. Content preferences is at the top of the list. Adult content should be disabled by default if your child is under 18; be sure this is the case. The Autoplay media feature, which can be disabled to prevent movies and animated gifs from playing automatically, is located below the Adult content setting. At the bottom of the screen, select "Save."
  9. You can now include anyone who have messaging access on your childs Reddit account. Please be aware that moderators and administrators of the subreddits your child subscribes to can still contact them privately. Determining which Reddit subreddits your child can follow and which you should block is crucial for this reason. For more details, see our How to block subreddits on Reddit page. Next, select "Save" from the screens bottom menu.