The TikTok Brains Psychology

The TikTok Brains Psychology

This article investigates whether the TikTok brain is genuine and how young users mental health may be impacted by the app.

What exactly is TikTok brain?

The social media app has increased the popularity of short-form videos, with the ideal video duration being between 21 and 34 seconds. 1 As a result, children find it difficult to concentrate on a variety of tasks, including reading a book, finishing a piece of schoolwork, and watching an entire movie.

How does TikTok affect your brain?

Since the TikTok algorithm is based on interests, it displays content that corresponds to what users have previously viewed, whether or not they interacted with it. The system can quickly identify someones interests and hobbies, sense of humour, fashion sense, musical preferences, sexual orientation, and many other traits. This seemingly innocent personalised viewing experience can lead users down a rabbit hole that can encourage unhealthy attitudes and behaviours and inundate them with unhelpful content.

TikToks impact on mental health

Many teenagers find TikTok to be a fun way to keep themselves busy, educated, and connected. However, for some people, sharing and binge-watching films might be detrimental to their health.

  • increased anxiety, despair, and stress
  • could promote eating problems
  • increased suicide risk

Use issues and addiction

Resetting the TikTok brain

You might want to assist your youngster in reducing their reliance on TikTok if they are continually scrolling through it and it is starting to cause problems. Having repeated breaks can build the connections in their brain and make it simpler to stop again the following time, even though they may initially be reluctant to reduce their intake.

1. Make the TikTok app your own

2. Use the dashboard for screen time

3. Limit access to only desktop or laptop computers

4. Establish TikTok-free areas

5. Offer activities devoid of screens.